Kittyhawk Ski and Board Club. All Rights Reserved.


Club Meetings & Activities

Occasionally the club holds formal meetings, but most activities are happy hours, parties and get-togethers.  Notices of these events are sent by email or found on our SOCIAL PAGE.  Please make certain that you sign up to receive club newsletters and event information.

Please add me to your email list

2024 - 2025  Leadership Team 

President:  Rich Pitt


Vice President: Kevin Hitt

Winter Trip Director:  Jill Hitt

Membership:  Joan LaPore


Treasurer: Jay LaPore

Social:  Kristy Haaf

Secretary: Cindy Comperchio

Website & Marketing:  Wendy OToole


Single or not, old(er) or young, beginner or advanced skier  - Kittyhawk provides great pricing on trips and folks to ski and ride with once you get there.  You may even find folks to go snowshoeing with on trips! Non-skiers welcome! Children welcome! 

Why Join a Ski Club?  After all, I can get great deals online!...

  • ​Discounted group rate on lift tickets - sometimes up to 50% off!  You can't get that online!
  • Free food and drinks.  If you get that deal online, you still have to eat! Club trips have free happy hours with heavy hors d'oeuvres and/or dinner, sometimes breakfasts included in price, usually one dinner included in the price, apres skis, and food and drinks on bus trips. 
  • Transportation to and from the resort. Was that included in the internet deal?
  • Extras for the group... usually discounts on rentals, lessons, side excursions on trips...  for those days when everyone in the family doesn't want to ski! 
  • Camaraderie!  You have people to ski with, people to eat with, and people to do other things with both on and off of vacation! 
  • Trip privileges to go on all trips with all other ski clubs who are also members of OVSC as well as ability to go on OVSC international trips!  You can sign up on any trip that these clubs offer.


​​         Dates for activités, meetings, parties and events are sent to subscribers by email:​      Please add me to your email list.

How Do I Join? Membership is only $30 for an individual and $45 for families (Up to 2 adults and children under 22 living in the same household).  Print the application form  and send it to Kittyhawk Membership,  2596 Patrick Henry Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45434

Even better!  Bring it yourself and join us at our next membership gathering, happy hour, or event!!   Members enjoy all the benefits of belonging to the Ohio Valley Ski Council and may participate in any trip run by a participating OVSC club!

How do I Pay by Zelle Instead of a Check

So, what are the advantages to belonging to Kittyhawk? Extra club-sponsored happy hours on trips with heavy appetizers (which we hear are some of the best of any club!!), summer activities, great bus trips to ski areas 8 hours or less away, discounted lift tickets on trips, and some of the friendliest folks around!  We would love to meet you!  If you are new, we will make certain that you meet folks to ski and have fun with!!

Membership is for one year from July 1 to June 30.


Need additional information...?

Contact Us!